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Kids Dentist Blog

4 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Child’s Smile

September 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 8:54 pm
a child brushing her teeth

As a parent, you should want what’s best for your little one—and this includes their oral health! Developing good dental hygiene habits early in life can set the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums, but your child cannot do this on their own at first. To help you help them on this journey, here are four essential children’s dental health facts your pediatric dentist thinks you should keep in mind.


4 Useful Tips for Helping Your Child Brush Their Teeth

August 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 8:09 pm
a parent helping a child brush their teeth

Your smile is often the first feature that strangers notice about you—and the same goes for your child’s smile! And the secret to a white and bright grin is brushing your teeth every single day; however, young children often need careful guidance and gentle assistance when learning how to care for their pearly whites. Here are four useful tips from your trusted pediatric dentist to guide you as you begin brushing your child’s teeth so that you can ensure they remain as resplendent and healthy as possible!


5 Ways to Make Oral Hygiene More Fun for Kids

July 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 7:35 pm
Dad and daughter brushing teeth in front of mirror

When you remind your child that it is time to brush their teeth, do they start complaining? They might say that brushing is boring or simply that they do not like to do it. You cannot let the issue go, and you should avoid forcing your children to brush if possible. Instead, you can try these simple ways to make oral hygiene more fun for kids:


When Should I Start Brushing My Child’s Teeth?

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 2:39 am

There is an important rule of thumb to remember when it comes to brushing and flossing your child’s teeth – it’s never too early to start. Maybe your little one is about to turn one, but you haven’t spent much time focused on their smile. Or maybe you’re expecting a baby and want to give them the best chance for healthy teeth and gums from the start. A pediatric dentist is here to help keep your little one’s smile on the right track.


Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Sealants

March 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 10:10 am

Did you know cavities are one of the most chronic diseases among children today? Sadly, dental problems can take a serious toll on the appearance and function of their teeth. While a solid brushing and flossing routine will certainly help their teeth stay decay-free, your child may need extra assistance keeping their smile in stellar shape. Fortunately, that’s where dental sealants come in! Keep reading to learn more about this popular preventive treatment from a pediatric dentist in Grayslake.


3 Tips to Improve Smiles During National Children’s Dental Health Month

February 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 7:27 am
a child in the dentist’s chair

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and dentists throughout the country are gearing up to help young patients and their parents better understand the importance of optimal oral health. Whether it is through regular dental checkups and cleanings, proper brushing, or eating healthy, there are countless ways kids can take better care of their teeth and gums. As a way to encourage proactive care, a dentist shares three tips to improve children’s dental health for better wellness year-round.


Don’t Let Cold and Flu Season Harm Your Child’s Smile This Year

December 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 7:15 pm
kid during cold and flu season keeping their smile healthy

You try to keep your house clean and sanitized, especially during cold and flu season. Maybe everyone in your family, including your child, has already gotten their flu shots as well. However, once they leave the house to go to school, all bets are off. You may still have to battle a cold or the flu this year.

To make a bad situation worse, your child could develop a cavity or two while they are sick. What can be done to prevent this from happening? How can you keep your child’s smile healthy during cold and flu season? Follow these tips!


First Dental Appointment: What You Need to Know

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 5:41 pm
young child going in for their first dental appointment

As a new parent, you’re going to experience many firsts with your child—their first smile, their first steps, their first words. Another important milestone in their growth and development is the first time they visit the dentist!

To set yourself and your little one up for success, here are some things you need to know about meeting your pediatric dentist in the first dental appointment.


4 Reasons Why Your Child’s Dentist May Recommend Baby Tooth Extraction

August 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 6:17 pm
boy holding his face needing baby tooth extraction

Going into parenthood, you think you know how things are “supposed” to go. Once reality hits, you see that life doesn’t always happen according to plan. For instance, baby teeth are supposed to fall out on their own when the time is right. But under certain circumstances, baby tooth extraction becomes necessary. Below are four reasons why a baby tooth may need to be extracted prior to it coming out naturally.


4 More Tips for Getting Started with Flossing

July 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danishismail @ 6:13 pm
dad showing his skills in teaching kids how to floss

After dinner, your young child runs up to you to tell you something. While they share a story with you, you get distracted by a piece of food stuck in their teeth. You realize it’s time that they learn how to floss—after the story is finished, of course.

As essential as brushing is to keep teeth strong and healthy, it only reaches about 60 percent of plaque. Flossing captures the rest! But how can you teach your child how to floss without one or both of you getting frustrated? Here are some valuable tips!

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